A life of prayer...
A life of worship...
A life of service...
A life of loving...
A life of giving...
A life given to and living for God alone
in the service of His people
Do you feel this could be your life?
If you think you are being prompted to explore becoming a sister your first step is to get to know us, by visiting as a guest and talking with the sisters. You will be guided to speak with the Novice Guardian who cares for all explorers and those who join us. You and she will discern together your calling and she will explain and guide you through the process of admittance to the community.
Initially, you will be invited to live alongside the community for a time to help you settle into the life of the community. You will be encouraged to continue to discern your vocation, through prayer, study and practical work. The Novice Guardian will walk your path with you, guiding and directing your footsteps.
After a period of time you will be admitted to the novitiate at which point you will put on the habit as a novice sister. In the novitiate there will be a deepening study and embracing of the life of a religious sister.
If you continue to feel drawn to live this life the next step will be to make your first Profession.

This is the point where you will make your vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. After Profession the discernment process continues as you mature and grow into the life.
The final step is Life Profession, where each sister expresses their deep longing to give themselves completely into the hands of God.
If you feel you are being called to explore the Religious Life and would like to talk with someone, please contact the Community at our main address
“At Life Profession we make explicit our belief that we are called to give ourselves for life to God in commitment to one another and in the service of the whole people of God.”
Community Rule of Life
Common Life: Members One of Another