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The first sister to be professed was Sister Gertrude who took her vows on 30th June 1865 in the London parish of St Peter's Vauxhall, which at the time was an area of great social depravation. At this time the little community became known as St Peter's Sisterhood.

The parish priest, Father George Herbert and Mother Frances Mary are considered by the Community to be our founders as they took the fledgling group of sisters and developed it into a thriving community.

By 1876 the community had taken as its dedication 'The Holy Name of Jesus' thus reflecting a vocation of reaching out to others in the name of 'Jesus, Saviour'. Father Herbert and Mother Frances Mary drew inspiration from both the Catholic and Evangelical movements.
The vocation of each sister, to draw others into a personal relationship with Jesus as Saviour, was rooted in the sacramental life of the Church. The Daily Offices and times of silence overflowed into the various forms of ministry according to the needs of the place and the time.

In 1887 the Mother House of the Convent of the Holy Name was established at Malvern Link in Worcester, while mission houses remained in London and elsewhere in the England.
In 1990 the Community moved to Oakwood on the outskirts of the city of Derby where it remained for 31 years, serving the local area and continuing its work in branch houses.

In 2021 the community moved to its current location in Hessle, East Yorkshire where the community continues to pursue its work of outreach and mission, bring the knowledge of God's love to all people.
In 2015, when CHN celebrated it's 150th anniversary of its foundation, a new revised edition of the history of the community was produced.
'What's in a Name?' was based on a manuscript written by Sister Constance CHN (RIP) with updates written by Sister Julie and edited by Dr Peta Dunstan.

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